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E-CONTRAIL is featured on the Aerospace Ambition Podcast

The E-CONTRAIL project had its latest feature on the Aerospace Ambition Podcast, where Prof. Manuel Soler discussed the contributions of this project to sustainable aviation.

Manuel Soler, coordinator of the E-CONTRAIL project, shares in episode 27 the fascinating journey of the project, detailing how the UC3M spin-off AI METHODS inspired the inception of a project where artificial intelligence technologies could enhance the prediction and mitigation of contrails.

In the interview with Marius W, Prof. Soler also provides an aswer to the following questions:

  • What are the goal and scope of E-CONTRAILS?

  • How can we address the delays in data availability from the Meteosat Third Generation satellite, and how will E-CONTRAILS handle this issue?

  • How can neural networks assist in assessing water vapor measurements?

  • Was the attention given to the topic of ground-based observation at the Pycontrails event justified?

  • Is the research community overly dependent on CoCiP?

  • Should the MRV place greater reliance on observational data?

You can listen to the podcast on these platforms:

The E-CONTRAIL project is featured on episode 27 of the Aerospace Ambition Podcast


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