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List of deliverables

D1.1 Data acquisition

D1.2 Control tracking and aviation-induced cloudiness algorithm

D2.1 Report on the cirrus cloud properties retrieval with MSG

D2.2 Scientific Look Up Tables of the cirrus cloud radiative forcing (NetCDF formats), +README

D2.3 Cirrus cloud radiative forcing data record (2018-2022, NetCDF format), +README

D2.4 Report on all WP2 activities, including transition to MTG and EarthCARE evaluation

D3.2 Deep-learning-based temporal predictions. Technical report/article showing the performance of the models for temporal predictions

D3.3 Deep-learning-based spatial predictions. Technical report/article showing the performance of the models for spatial predictions

D4.2 Definition of E-CONTRAIL Aviation Contrails Detection Products and Archive
D4.3 Presentation of E-CONTRAIL Dashboard Visualization Tool
D5.3 Concept outline
D5.9 Final project report
D5.4 Exploratory research report
D5.5 Project Management Plan (Intermediate Version) 
D5.6 Project Management Plan (final)
D4.1 Solution Slides
D4.4 Solution Slides (Intermediate version)
D4.5 Solution Slides (Final)
D6.3 Dissemination Exploitation and Communications Plan (Intermediate)
D6.6 Dissemination Exploitation and Communications Plan (Final) 
D6.4 Data Management Plan (Intermediate)
D6.5 Data Management Plan (final)
D5.7 Concept outline (Final)
D5.8 Exploratory research report (final)
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